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Black and White
Neighbors in
Black and White, Inc.
Neighbors in Black and White, Inc., is a 501c3 non-profit established to share a message of hope and proof that it is possible for Black and White people, and people of many backgrounds, to grow up together in unity, and be a force for racial justice and inclusion throughout their lives.
In light of current turbulent times, and the long history of racism in our world, a diverse group of friends formed this organization to produce a documentary entitled, "Neighbors in Black and White: Takoma DC" -- a genuinely integrated neighborhood in Washington, DC where many of us grew up. Neighbors in Black and White, Inc. - the non-profit entity - provides resources helpful to people who share the goal of racial unity and justice.
A force for racial justice and inclusion
The film
Documenting integration and solidarity in 1960's Washington, D.C.
We are currently in the process of creating a documentary film highlighting one such integrated community: The Takoma, D.C. Neighborhood of the 1960's and 70's. This vibrant, diverse enclave of Washington was a true melting pot of races, cultures, and income levels, where neighbors not only tolerated each other's differences but embraced them. Our hope is that by telling the story of this harmonious, integrated community, we can inspire others both to understand the value of integrated neighborhoods as well as strive to create and maintain these communities today.

Help nurture a racially just and inclusive society.
Your donation will support this documentary as well as our non-profit, "Neighbors in Black and White, Inc.", providing resources to help promote racial justice and inclusion. We hope you can help with this very important endeavor by donating today.
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