Black and White
“Neighbors in Black and White: Takoma DC – a Documentary” is intended to share a message of hope and proof that IT IS POSSIBLE to create a genuinely integrated community where Black and White people and people of many backgrounds can live together in unity and be a force for racial justice and inclusion throughout life. The film will include stories about Neighbors Inc., the group that nurtured the integrated community in Takoma DC, others who lived in the community as children, still live in Takoma DC, or were touched by people from that community. The documentary will show how this community has shaped the lives of many, and what those individuals are doing today to create a more racially just and inclusive society. Filming for the documentary has begun. Your tax-deductible donations can help us complete the production and share our message of hope far and wide.
In the meantime, please watch and share our fundraising video above!
Listen to our radio interview with Eric Bond here.